Minggu, 17 Februari 2008

Notes to the Financial Statemnets

by: Drs. H. J. Lerbulan

The 2007 Financial Statements were prepared comprehensively as part of the implementation of the transparency and accountability, as being entrusted in good governance. Whereas the Notes to the financial statements (NFS) are prepared to present explanation of posts on Financial Statements in the adequate disclosure.

A. Legal Standings

1) Law No. 17/2003 about State Finance;
2) Law No. 112004 about State Treasurer;
3) Law No.15/2004 about Audit of the Managements and Responsibilities of State Finance ;
4) Government Decree No.24/2005 about Government Accounting Standard;
5) Government Decree No.6/2006 about Management of State and Regional Assets;
6) Government Decree No.8/2006 about Financial Reporting and Performance of the Government Agency ;
7) Presidential Decree No .42/2002 about The manual Implementation of the Budget of the State Revenue and Expenditure;
8) Ministry of Finance Decree No.59/PMK.06/2005 about Accounting S stem and Financial Statements of Central Government;
9) Ministry of Finance Decree No. 13/PMK.06/2005 about Standard of Chart of Account;
10) Decree of General Treasurer Director No. PER 24/PB/2006 about Implementation of Compilation Financial Statement Ministry State/
11) Ministry Decree No. 13/2006 about standart of Financial Statements & Accounting Compilation Satets/Work Unit a local Government.

B. Compilation Procedure of the Financial Statements

This report included all the financial transaction that was carried out by Department of Culture & Tourism West Southeast Maluku Regency that derived from APBD an amount IDR. 1.659.584.000,- Not included allocation of fund carry over. Beside that allocation of fund carry over an amount IDR. 437.480.000, - and APBD Change also carry over funds amount IDR. 523.730.000, - therefore Total of 2007 Budgeting Years an amount IDR. 2.620.794.000,-

2007 Department of Culture & Tourism Financial Statements prepared by using of the Computing Program System

The financial statement has been reviewed by Teamwork Asistansi internal Department/Work unit.

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